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Don’t see a time you are looking for? Click on “Weekday Events Monday – Friday”!

“Archery Dodgeball” events are ages 7+. Please give us a call if you would like us to let you know what ages have already booked into that event. For time slots without existing bookings we can schedule them to be “Family Hours” or “Adults/Teens Only”.

No Spam! Please use your most checked email address. You’ll receive a confirmation email, a reminder email, a thank you email, and other emails directly related to your event. We will not use your booking email for email marketing.

Please arrive and check-in 15 minutes prior to reserved session time. Athletic clothing and footwear are strongly recommended.

For cancellation policy and fees, please refer to F.A.Q.

A minimum of 6 people is required per session. Session will be cancelled or rescheduled if there is less than 6 people booked. We will contact the organizer to attempt a reschedule.

Booking in advance is highly recommended. Walk-ins are not guaranteed and only accepted based on space availability.